Thursday, April 19, 2012

Not Motivated

So yesterday, I woke up ready to go. Got up and dressed, made breakfast for everyone (well everyone who was awake), Richard took Alex to school so I got busy. I totally attacked our bedroom, organized of a closet, vacuumed and generally cleaned our room. 

Then it was so pretty I decided that I needed to mow the yard. Now you have to realize the front had only been mowed once. The side and back had never been mowed at all this season. Remember all that rain we've gotten? Yeah!

See that photo? Crazy amount of grass. We have a riding mower - but it hasn't been started yet for the season and I wasn't quite up to trying entry level mechanics. So I just used the push mower. Even bagged the front (two large yard bags later). Decided I could at least do the high stuff on the side - but not bag it. Started and realized there really wasn't any point in only doing part - so I did all the side. But no bag there. Then I made the mistake of opening the back gate. And was greeted by (no kidding) two foot monster ... I'll turn into a tree if you leave me ... weeds. So I just kept on mowing. Taking out those weeds and about a thousand others in our back yard. 

So that was yesterday - oh - I also cooked dinner. And sent out a few resumes. And took my mom to get her car. And studied for this Project Management Professional class I'm taking the next two weekends. 

Very productive day. Maybe too productive. Because today ... I feel like ... well this:

... or ... 

Oh sure, I've done some laundry. And done some "networking" (read: played on facebook, twitter and linked). But really don't feel motivated to do much of anything. 

I suppose I could say I deserve a lazy day. But I know myself. And I'm just saying I know that's not a smart attitude at all - cause by golly those lazy days would quickly outnumber the productive. And then I'll just feel icky. And trust me - no one wants that! 

So - I'll end here - and go do something - maybe it will even be productive. 

1 comment:

  1. In an effort to support your productivity, you can come mow my lawn now. This
