Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Starting a New Journey

It's a new place where I find myself this week. Not sure if I like it or not yet. Guess I'll know soon enough. My greatest fears are complete opposites - that I'll love this new place but can't stay here - or that I don't love this new place but can't find the way back to where I was. 

Along this journey, I'm sure I'll have amazing days filled with unexpected joy. I'm sure there will be days when less joy and more frustration and general ickiness sets in. But I've dealt with that before - so I'm sure I'll survive.

Meanwhile I try to be the best mom and wife (and daughter and friend) I know how to be. I always focused on being a good mom ... that's not new. But this wife business is another deal entirely. And starting at my age and with him at his age - it's interesting. 

So - - this will kind of journal the journey and we'll see what happens.

Meanwhile, here's the first dilemma ... what to do with the pork chops I laid out for dinner tonight. If I find something good - I'll share it here.


  1. Pork chops are easy: olive oil, creole seasoning or some other kind of shake-on-top yummy, and grill outdoors. Salad, bread. Done.

  2. I don't grill. And I made Richard and Tony grill steaks last night. Guess I should learn to grill huh. :)

  3. Nope. I'm going to be a complete sexist pig and say that's The Man's job.
